Comic book series of predetermined length.
Examples for "miniseries"
Examples for "miniseries"
1The two-part miniseries will air on the British public broadcaster this year.
2However, they liked the idea of a miniseries based on your life.
3The remake of It is released 27 years after the original miniseries.
4Simpson miniseries and my personal experience with the trial on my site.
5I'll never be asked to write the screen adaption for the miniseries.
1This ITV mini-series, which recreated the Who Wants to be a Millionaire?
2She recently starred as Jacqueline Kennedy in the mini-series The Kennedys.
3BBC America will follow the same schedule, making the broadcasts an event mini-series.
4This will all culminate in a mini-series event called The Defenders.
5Alright, so it was the Children of Dune mini-series, but still.
1DC's new maxi-series Superman: World of New Krypton, on sale March 4, picks up where Superman: New Krypton left off.
2Marvel's current mega-event borrows its title from a goofy 12-issue 1984 maxi-series designed to promote a range of action figures.
1But surely this will mean a new limited series will be approved.
2Will it compete in the comedy categories or the limited series categories?
3The limited series also stars Blair Underwood as the businesswoman's husband, C.J.
4It won the Emmy award for best limited series in 2014.
5Simpson, which took home nine Emmys including best limited series.
1Upcoming comic book miniseries B.P.R.D.
1Crisis was the first "maxiseries," a year-long series that pulled in nearly every ongoing title from DC Comics.
1Grant Morrison's 2004 comic miniseries Seaguy was originally designed to subvert standard superhero convention.
1He's totally right: it could make an excellent comic mini-series.
Translations for comic book maxiseries