Encara no tenim significats per a "common appellation".
1The following are the kings of Egypt mentioned in Scripture by the common appellation of Pharaoh:-
2MAMMY is a common appellation for a slave-nurse.
3Actually, I had climbed Seefin many times previously, for this is common appellation in the Irish uplands.
4The seeds are always eaten fried or parched, from whence they obtain their common appellation of kachang goring.
5Influenza, or to use its more common appellation "the flu", has been with us for a long time.
6Newton, for obvious reasons, was a common appellation of an estate, or barony, where a new edifice had been erected.
7One of his chief instructors was his wife Messa'lina: whose name is become a common appellation for women of abandoned character.
8The police's actions were explained with what has since become a fairly common appellation, "suicide by cop", or police-assisted suicide.
9He was a great soldier and patriot, and his character hardly justified the whole of the common appellation, "Rough and Ready."
10In Angola the common appellation is "o diabo", or "brutu"; and it is quite usual to hear gentlemen call out, "O diabo!
11"'T is not a common appellation, yet I once knew a Major by that name in Wayne's command."
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