Recent findings: Children are at increased risk for renal trauma comparedtoadults due to differences in anatomy.
Mass-specific work during double contact is small in toddlers comparedtoadults because of their low walking speed.
Conclusions: Neurological outcome after traumatic cervical SCI is not superior in adolescents comparedtoadults in this cohort.
Background: Neurodevelopmental conditions commonly coexist in children, but comparedtoadults, childhood multimorbidity attracts less attention in research and clinical practice.
Instead, children with ASD have altered neural activity comparedtoadults during both social and nonsocial tasks, especially in fronto-temporal structures.
Orbital and intracranial complications of acute sinusitis occur more frequently in the pediatric population comparedtoadults due to anatomic differences.
Specific ratios between the main CS disaccharides were informative of a significant greater 4-sulfation and charge density for newborn comparedtoadults.
Moreover, behavioral responses to chronic stress are different in developing as well as aging subjects (both sexes) as comparedtoadults.
Regarding the frequency of "giant" lesions, an even more pronounced white matter involvement was found in our children comparedtoadults.
The cancer is more prevalent in children, which is more likely to be intracranial, comparedtoadults, where it's commonly located in the spine.