Encara no tenim significats per a "complete the building".
1BMW was unable to complete the building of thousands of luxury cars this week because of production problems.
2It required near sixty-nine thousand bricks to complete the building of one barrack, and twenty-one thousand tiles to cover it in.
3Workmen had been instructed not to talk to the media, but one said there was now a rush to complete the building work.
4A layer of house wrap and then shingles would later be stapled and nailed, respectively, onto the plywood sheathing to complete the building's walls.
5Lucretius also was continued in command that he might complete the building of the town of Genoa, which had been destroyed by Mago the Carthaginian.
6It was a sad blow, but the society withstood it calmly and voted to complete the building it had begun in Stockton Street, near Sacramento.
7The foundation stone for the library was laid in May 1712 but it took another 20 years to complete the building.
8Whether he completed the building or not, Bishop Raynelm undoubtedly made many additions and alterations.
9There's the Main castle, a Honeymoon castle as well as a Little castle which completes the building.
10A little chapel, which wanted nothing but a clergyman, and a powder-magazine, completed the buildings of the settlement.
11The Athenians then completed the building of their Circle, and began to lay the materials for the northern line of wall.
12Seti had worked indefatigably at Thebes, but the shortness of his reign prevented him from completing the buildings he had begun there.
13Furthermore, future capital expenditures should be close to maintenance levels, as CHD has just completed the building of its new plant in California.
14The investors due to buy the Four Seasons Hotel in Ballsbridge, Dublin, have ruled out making a financial contribution towards completing the building.
15They were imposing, and looked well on paper, but he knew that when completed the buildings would be very disappointing in various ways.
16The prefect of the Capuchins completed the building of this church in less than two summers, though he employed only the Indians of his village.
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