A polite phrase used to end a letter or other written communication.
1Never use "oblige" in the place of the complimentary close.
2In these seven letters are given the body of the letter, with the salutation and the complimentary close.
3Never omit "Yours" in the complimentary close.
4The signature is written below the complimentary close and a little to the right, so that it ends about at the right-hand margin.
5The following complimentary closes are proper for business letters:
6The following complimentary closes are proper for friendly letters:
7The angels said every letter has three parts: the Salutation, the Body, and the Complimentary Close.
8The Salutation, the Body, and the Complimentary Close.
9| Ex-President"), and the complimentary close ("With the profoundest respect").
Aquesta col·locació està formada per: