Computer program that runs as a background process mainly to load certain files.
Examples for "demon"
Examples for "demon"
1The malicious demon concealed in the ink bottle delights in wrecking love.
2It turns man into an animal; it makes him the demon incarnate.
3Yet in the society of this person the demon troubled me not.
4There was no such thing as halting the demon in the car.
5The ghoul or fiend of modern society is the demon of alcohol.
1From whatever direction the daemon might come, our potential escape was provided.
2The daemon is half external fate-inthe Greek sense, half individual temper.
3The file daemon actually transfers the client's data to the storage server.
4You were nice to me and the daemon never talked to me.
5St. Augustin affirms that he did once see a satyr or daemon.
Translations for computer daemon