Physical button on a computer keyboard.
Examples for "key"
Examples for "key"
1The other key risk especially in Europe is the sovereign debt crisis.
2The first key issue was health security, he said, including antimicrobial resistance.
3The budget is a key point of political contention this election year.
4This is the key to good preparation, good work, and good management.
5Access to accurate data from the national system remains a key problem.
1This is in addition to passwords and a physical computer key.
2It was a devastating revenge, administered with the mere press of a computer key.
3Griggs said, "I know this is a cliché, but 'let there be light.'" He hit a computer key, and the module lights barely brightened.
4There was some clicking of computer keys, and Marilyn came back on.
5I heard computer keys clicking, Murphy saying something to someone, a police radio.
1Just a private joke with the wrong keyboard key hit - sense of humour and all that.
2In other words, those options aren't as universal or aesthetically pleasing as tapping a single emoji keyboard key on your phone.
3New Key Layout Manually rearrange keyboard keys with a Keycap Puller.
4Hands to the keyboard keys, everyone.
Translations for computer keyboard key