As conventionalenergy sources become increasingly expensive, demand for alternatives also rises.
Think about new technologies before you run out of conventionalenergy, she explained.
Klein says conventionalenergy sources continues to move upward.
Excess production in solar power forced producers to reduce costs and compete, subsidy-free, with conventionalenergy sources.
And demand for inverters should ultimately grow strongly, once cheaper panels make solar energy competitive with conventionalenergy sources.
Demand for alternative energy may be taking a pause as prices for conventionalenergy have fallen from record highs last year.
The EU Commission has decided to take legal action against the Government for favouring conventionalenergy firms over the wind energy sector.
China would also set up funds with the UAE and Qatar worth a total $20 billion to invest in conventionalenergy.
Faiman's team said they have discovered a way to mass produce solar energy efficiently enough to compete with oil and other conventionalenergy sources.
But by buying coal mines we can raise our profitability in conventionalenergy, which will offset the lower profitability of new energy, Wang said.
He also said it was too early to say if the spill would trigger major shifts to non-conventional energy from conventionalenergy of fossil fuel.
In the next three years alone conventionalenergy capacity is expected to fall by a fifth, leaving it short of the country's peak power demand.