Questions also hang over how the government will be able to coordinateaid efforts going forward.
Socrates and Interior Minister Rui Pereira were travelling to Madeira to assess the damage and coordinateaid.
The EU mission was simply to fund and coordinateaid efforts by local groups and NGOs, Veit said.
Jubeir said the date of the ceasefire was set to allow time for donors to coordinateaid supplies.
Britain has called an international conference on Yemen for Jan. 27 to discuss how to counter radicalisation and coordinateaid.
Meanwhile, a new UN task force set up to coordinateaid distribution was expected to convene in Geneva later on Friday.
YEMEN SECURITY The meeting is due to discuss how to counter radicalisation and coordinateaid to the Arab world's poorest country.
The Houthis said they had set up committees in six provinces to prevent escalation and coordinateaid efforts with the United Nations.
He said a "command and control structure" should be put in place in the Zimbabwean capital Harare to coordinateaid efforts.
The Papua New Guinea Foreign Minister says he will be talking to his Australian counterpart on how to better coordinateaid to Bougainville.
It said it would reinforce efforts to train Afghan officials and help create effective state institutions, better coordinateaid efforts and encourage better governance.
Ambassador, Jean-Maurice Ripert, to the new post of special envoy for assistance to Pakistan, where he will coordinateaid efforts amid a refugee crisis.
Kuykendall said Warren was in contact with Mujica to organize a search for lost or missing migrants and coordinateaid at a Mexico shelter.
Italy's government only started to become receptive to industry calls for help after a Brussels meeting at which EU member states agreed to coordinateaid.
OCHA, the Afghan government and aid groups are coordinatingaid efforts to help those affected.
The EU's strategy includes reinforcing efforts to train Afghan officials and help create effective state institutions, as well as better- coordinatedaid efforts.