Encara no tenim significats per a "copyright material".
1The reuse of copyright material is done within a framework of four criteria.
2The publishers are grateful to the following for permission to reproduce copyright material:
3The provision mandates that one may not bypass a technology that protects copyright material.
4To many authors and publishers acknowledgment is due for generous permission to use copyright material.
5C-SPAN said it contacted the companies because the copyright material was posted online without its permission.
6The lawsuit claimed at least 93 percent of LimeWire's file sharing traffic was unauthorized copyright material.
7The lawsuit alleged that at least 93 percent of LimeWire's file sharing traffic was unauthorized, copyright material.
8Acknowledgments of permissions given by authors and publishers for the use of copyright material appear in Volume 10.
9Internet account holders can be fined for illegally downloading and uploading copyright material, after being warned three times.
10It is no secret that theft of copyright material is something that is shunned upon heavily in the industry.
11It's back to the drawing board for the Government on how to prevent copyright material being pirated on the Internet.
12In response to criticisms, the bill's supporters added a provision specifically reasserting the "fair use" of copyright material.
13One part of the clause says ISPs will not be held liable for any copyright material that their networks carry.
14It's important to bear in mind, however, that while it's not illegal to download torrents per se, downloading copyright material is.
15In all the cases, Righthaven, which uses a loophole in copyright law to sue blogs, claims ownership of the copyright material.
16The Publishers' Association said it was wrong to say the extension locked up New Zealand works because copyright material could be easily accessed.
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