1Mojito and cosmo mocktails sat on the coffee table in pink polka-dotted martini glasses.
2I could do you up a cosmo, if you like.
3Her work has also appeared in The American Prospect and Cosmo Latina.
4Cosmo consumes a little too much alcohol during his important business meeting.
5Cosmo has misgivings about his sister's latest idea but she's not listening.
6Cosmo took the tiny hand of the child, and examined it carefully.
7Cosmo Versál had never said that the comet would drown the earth.
8Cosmo is shocked when he finds out who his so-called stalker is.
9The laird begged Cosmo to go at once and inquire after him.
10Cosmo is put on the spot when a favour is called in.
11Sir Cosmo was the member for his county, and was a Liberal.
12Fess the beast in here, Cosmo; I s' be answerable for 'im.
13Cosmo took a fine bradawl, and pushed it gently into the hoof.
14Cosmo shall go and look for the brandy-flask in your lordship's greatcoat.
15Gog'Flo is worried about Cosmo but he insists he has a plan.
16Thus Grizzie turned the tables upon Cosmo, and sheltered herself behind them.