Word (or morpheme) that is used in combination with a numeral to indicate the count of nouns.
1It may mean counting words, but it may mean something else entirely.
2She didn't think there were even enough counting words for them all.
3How could someone raised by flatheads have any understanding of counting words?
4She remembered the years better her way, but she liked the counting words.
5It made the counting words so much more powerful when used like that.
6I am... She stopped to think of the right counting word.
7Even larger counting words can be made by bending more than one finger.
8She did not know the counting words, but she had some sense of them.
9Mamut said five was Her counting word of hidden authority.
10She counted them in her mind using the counting words.
11I put it into counting words, she tried to explain.
12In all, Ayla used the counting words to tally nine fully or partially drawn animals.
13Counting words had tremendous significance, both real and symbolic.
14That means I must be... She closed her eyes to concentrate on the counting words.
15The right hand with bent fingers is sometimes used alone to show those larger counting words.
16We say five is Her sacred counting word.