Encara no tenim significats per a "cross the tropic".
1On the 8th he crossed the Tropic of Cancer.
2After having crossed the tropic of Capricorn in 135° longitude, it sailed W.N.W., making again for the tropical zone.
3We had crossed the Tropic of Capricorn, and the Strait of Magellan opened less than 700 miles to the south.
4We had crossed the tropic of Capricorn, and the Straits of Magellan opened less than seven hundred miles to the south.
5Lower California, in length about seven hundred miles, forms a great peninsula, which crosses the tropics and terminates in the torrid zone.
6Crossing the Tropic of Cancer, the English came to an anchor off a little island a league to the northward of Mapatalan.
7It seemed to be traveling at random, as if hesitating over which course to follow, but it never crossed the Tropic of Cancer.
8The frigate passed at some distance from the Marquesas and the Sandwich Islands, crossed the tropic of Cancer, and made for the China Seas.
9At three o'clock in the morning of the 26th of November the Nautilus crossed the tropic of Cancer at 172° long.