A cross-sectarianalliance backed by Iraq's Sunni Arab minority won the largest number of seats, though Maliki's bloc came a close second.
The decision effectively upholds a final vote tally that gave the Sunni-backed cross-sectarianalliance of former Prime Minister Iyad Allawi a two-seat lead.
Sectarian tensions have simmered since an inconclusive election in March that pitted a Sunni-backed cross-sectarianalliance against the country's major Shi'ite-led political groups.
A cross-sectarianalliance led by former Prime Minister Iyad Allawi won a slim, two-seat lead after gaining strong backing from the once dominant Sunni minority.
A cross-sectarianalliance led by former Prime Minister Iyad Allawi got the most seats in the March 7 election after winning broad backing from Sunnis.