Grouping used for cultivated plants.
Examples for "group"
Examples for "group"
1The so-called Islamic State militant group said it carried out that attack.
2Earlier efforts produced fierce clashes at sea with anti-whaling group Sea Shepherd.
3Rights group Amnesty International believes China executes thousands of people every year.
4Mr Williams said the group would also look at possible court action.
5Banking group Abbey National today said it had received a takeover approach.
1A sensitive collodion is now produced as follows: Dissolve 9 gr.
2The leaves were then washed and placed in a solution (1 gr.
3I then added some of the solution of phosphate of ammonia (1 gr.
4On the other hand, in words like the Sanskrit sapta, the Gr.
5It is possible that sporadic changes of accent, as in the Gr.
1In cultivation terms, cucumbers are classified into three main cultivar groups: slicing, pickling and burpless.
Translations for cultivar-group