Encara no tenim significats per a "curved under".
1Then his legs curved under him and he fell on the floor.
2The loop of her black hair curved under a hat of gray beaver.
3The nose was small and curved under at the tip, above full lips.
4The rail curved under the strain, then the boat slid forward, grinding on the sand.
5Around the massive elbow of this ledge, our back-trail, ascending into view, curved under shouldering boulders.
6The woman wore the head of a great cat with long teeth that curved under her chin.
7His lips curved under my touch and he took my hand away, folding my fingers over his own.
8Her mouth subtly curved under her delicate nose, and there was a wistful look in her clear, large eyes.
9She would sit up there, with her paws curved under her breast, and sleep in the sun half the afternoon.
10It darkened when the road curved under the M8 and the air hissed with the sound of cars flicking past concrete columns.
11The ER guys had set up a little triage station in front, where the driveway curved under an overhanging roof by the office door.
12A drop of rain fell; another, which struck her just where the cheek curved under the long black lashes, fringing them with brilliancy like tears.
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