Encara no tenim significats per a "customary present".
1The customary present of tobacco and some other articles was immediately sent to him.
2Make me your executor if you like, and leave me the customary present of five hundred pounds.
3A wired letter, a customary present of cigarettes, came from Mariana on Christmas, gifts from Charlotte and Bundy Provost.
4In the mean time a party of us went ashore to pay the chief a visit, and to make the customary present.
5We could get neither meal nor manioc, but should have been comfortable had not the Bashinje chief Sansawe pestered us for the customary present.
6Moreover, the money of the old mercer permitted him to make Therese the customary presents.
7In a few weeks the marriage took place, and Palmer made the customary presents to his wife's relatives.
8After following down the left side of the valley and entering the village, the customary presents and returns were made.
9He replied that he had accepted only the customary presents given to judges and that these made no difference in his decisions.
10He sent for the father and the other Indians, and condoled with them on the lamentable occurrence; making them the customary presents of expiation.
11I received him hospitably, making him welcome to all the abundance of my house, and when he went away I gave him all customary presents.
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