Type genus of Cycadaceae: genus of widely distributed Old World evergreen tropical trees having pinnate leaves and columnar stems covered with persistent bases of old leaves.
The next day the settlers went to collect some, and returned to Granite House with an ample supply of cycas stems.
The Cycas disappeared as we receded from the river.
18.- Iwentwith Charley to reconnoitre the country between Cycas creek and the Robinson.
Was it Cycas pectinata?
We found here the carcase of a crocodile; and the skull of another was found near our camp at Cycas Creek.
After the mangrove the most common trees round Keppel Bay are the eucalyptus and a species of Cycas bearing poisonous nuts.
In all the genera, except Cycas itself, the female fructifications are likewise cones, each carpel bearing two ovules on its margin.
The Cycas disappeared where the fresh water commenced; and it seemed to be confined to the sandy soil near the salt water.
At Cycas Creek, Spoonbills, Ibises, and Whistling ducks came at night fall to the fresh water, and left it in the morning.
With Cycas pectinata the cotyledons are hypogean, and a true leaf first breaks through the ground with its petiole forming an arch.
Cycas pectinata (Cycadeae, Fam.
A small packet contained red ochre to colour their bodies, and larger packets contained soaked Cycas seeds, which seemed to be undergoing fermentation.
Cycas pectinata: circumnutation of one of the terminal leaflets, traced from 8.30 A.M. June 22nd to 8 A.M. June 24th.
"It is a 'cycas revoluta,' of which I have a picture in our dictionary of Natural History!" said Herbert.