Encara no tenim significats per a "dare look".
1I wouldn't dare look an exempted indispensable in the face-letalone you.
2On these excursions no common man dare look upon the royal procession.
3At first I did not dare look-myheart was beating so fast.
4I didn't dare look at you for fear of giving myself away.
5The last time I crossed the glacier, I didn't dare look down.
6I no longer dare look over at the old, tired, motionless body.
7She may have been crying, but I didn't dare look at her.
8He didn't dare look up to read the answer in her face.
9Eat up, peasant, and don't you dare look them in the eye.
10You would not dare look at yourself in the glass two days after.
11Rafael bowed his head and said nothing; he did not dare look up.
12She did not dare look at either of the two men.
13I positively don't dare look Emerson or Maeterlinck in the face.
14I do dare look upon you, if you have visible form.
15I did not dare look at Anita, nor she at me.
16No one would dare look at you-muchless try to carry you off.
Aquesta col·locació està formada per:
Dare look per variant geogràfica