Encara no tenim significats per a "debase by".
1That unfortunate is but one of the herd, one of the victims to pleasures which debase by their progress and ruin by their end.
2But politics and government have been seriously debased by the current administration.
3Some are debased by the more serious fault of ribaldry and profaneness.
4His pen has never been debased by an inartistic and antiquated idealism.
5Every desired renewal of an existence is debased by being half alloy.
6Tells how the concept of self-expression has been debased by fashion.
7Benefits are allowed by reproaches, and gratitude debased by envy.
8Benefits are allayed by reproaches, and gratitude debased by envy.
9I think he felt himself debased by Kennedy's request.
10He felt debased by his presence in the room.
11I don't think this passion of reminiscence is debased by the slightest taint of vanity.
12Must they always be debased by being made to consider the sex of their companions?
13Shall our pure gold be debased by this alloy?
14They first wrought upon the minds of their unfortunate serfs, debased by all sorts of servitude.
15But he was almost as much debased by superstition as his brother by indolence and vice.
16Man is always debased by servitude of any description, and here the peasantry are not entirely free.