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Meanings of decaying wood in anglès
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Usage of decaying wood in anglès
Your girlfriend will give birth to her family there in the decayingwood.
Their fuel is the decayingwood, tree roots and similar material in the soil.
There was no odor of decayingwood or of slime.
Past the funhouse was a scattering of little shanties with decayingwood and chipped paint, gypsy homes.
Four morphologically similar specimens of an unidentified perithecial ascomycete were collected on decayingwood submerged in fresh water.
It takes between two and five years for the larvae to develop underground, living solely on decayingwood.
All decayingwood in the building should be removed, and any portion ingrained with dirt should be planedclean.
Green deposit on decayingwood.
They dug out of the decayingwood fat, yellowish whitish maggots bigger than cockchafer grubs, with dark, sturdy heads.
In one case, however, it is real sunshine; in the other, it more resembles the phosphorescent glow of decayingwood.
The young people who came to the church used to cut their initials in its soft and slowly decayingwood.
The vicinity appeared as if never before visited, and there was an abundance of dead and decayingwood lying about.
He has then a comfortable place to sleep, and an abundance of decayingwood in which to hunt insects on stormy days.
By feeling carefully around he succeeded in getting together a small quantity of decayingwood, and this he lighted after some difficulty.
The corpselike plant derived nourishment from decayingwood and vegetable matter since it lacked chlorophyll, and its waxy-looking surface turned black when touched.
This, owing to its sharp angles, which persisted in catching in the soft decayingwood in his whirlwind of house-cleaning, he allowed to remain.