Italian preposition; nobiliary particle.
1The Borgo degli Albizzi, as I have said, is crowded with Palazzi.
2Eleanora was the daughter of Messer Luigi di Messer Maso degli Albizzi.
3Fabrizio da Lodi and Fanfulla degli Arcipreti have been with me of late.
4Ruberto degli Strozzi, the Queen's cousin, happened about this time to visit Rome.
5First ring: Caina.-Countsof Mangona.-Camicionde' Pazzi.-Second ring: Antenora.-Bocca degli Abati.-Buoso da Duera.-CountUgolino.
6Padrona degli Sventurati, Helper and Friend of those who must serve Love without loving!
7Among these the leading man was Giorgio degli Opizi, the head of the Guelph party.
8What Messer Luigi and Madonna Nannina degli Albizzi thought and said, no one has related.
9This time it is S. Jerome's dog from the picture at S. Giorgio degli Schiavoni.
10Those philosophers in the Torre degli Angeli discovered all we need to know about that subject.
11And his judgment did not fail him when he fell in with little Bianca degli Innocenti.
12In Caina were the brothers Alessandro and Napoleone degli Alberti, mutual fratricides, their heads frozen together.
13A 2008 study by scientists at Università degli Studi di Bologna would seem to verify this.
14These events took place two years after the reform of government effected by Maso degli Albizzi.
15They are at the Palazza Rezzonico, and after that they go to San Georgio degli Sclavoni.
16Even such a well-worn subject as the Riva degli Schiavoni is made original (?)