A cyber-attack in which the perpetrator seeks to make a machine or network resource unavailable by flooding the target.
1A sustained traffic hit may be a worm or a denial-of-service attack.
2This sort of problem is often what allows a denial-of-service attack to succeed.
3But the latest attack is much more serious than a typical denial-of-service attack.
4This is all that a denial-of-service attack can do: register protest.
5A short time later, a denial-of-service attack was launched against the ITU's main website.
6The attack is the Usenet equivalent of a denial-of-service attack.
7What you saw were the side-effects of a "distributed denial-of-service attack" .
8On Wednesday, Facebook said the situation did not appear to be the result of a denial-of-service attack.
9Authorities have arrested a 16-year-old they say launched a rudimentary distributed denial-of-service attack against Miami-Dade County schools.
10You said there's (the possibility) of a denial-of-service attack.
11It came as Bitfinex, one of the world's largest exchanges, said it was under sustained denial-of-service attack.
12A denial-of-service attack is a basic hacking attack that brings down a website by spamming it with data.
13But he has already concluded there was a failure in the geo-blocking service during the fourth denial-of-service attack.
14MetService has had more problems with its website, after confirming it was the victim of a denial-of-service attack yesterday.
15The group's new actions seemed to have amounted to a short-lived distributed denial-of-service attack on the Minneapolis Police website.
16Netsites for a dozen calliagnosia student organizations around the country were brought down today in a coordinated denial-of-service attack.
Translations for denial-of-service attack