This study attempted to assess the psychosocial consequences of dysthymia.
The most consistent correlate of lifetime and 12-month depressive episode and dysthymia was social stress, measured by past traumatic events and recent negative life events.
Results: Approximately 6.9% of the respondents had experienced an episode of major depression and 5.2% had had dysthymia in their lifetime.
Patients aged 60 years and older (N = 1,801) who met diagnostic criteria for major depression or dysthymia participated in a baseline survey.
Dysthymia and a lack of necessary aggressiveness also contribute to deteriorate physical effectiveness.
IPT is possibly efficacious in the treatment of dysthymicdisorder.
An elevated risk was also associated with minor depressive disorder, dysthymicdisorder, psychotic disorder, single-episode major depressive disorder, and anxiety disorder.
A tendency towards increased 5-HT receptor binding density in patients with major affective disorder was found compared to dysthymicdisorder patients and normal controls.
These differences help to confirm the validity of the neuroticdepression concept.
Based on a systematic chart review, 37 patients met the criteria for neuroticdepression.
We applied an operational definition of neuroticdepression to 185 hospitalized patients who met Feighner and DSM-III-R criteria for unipolar depression.
Ús de depressive neurosis en anglès
More like a depressiveneurosis, like Dr Rosen was trying to tell me about; a change in perception, a shift in mental balance.