Encara no tenim significats per a "despatch to".
1Anyhow, I feared that the alliance might counteract my despatch to London.
2Don't forget to put this in your next despatch to the Council.
3According to Alexander's own despatch to the senate he gained great victories.
4Bolitho said, I want you to carry a despatch to Portsmouth.
5He also recommended most strongly the bearers of the despatch to their care.
6He had messengers to despatch to estates in Lucania and Apulia.
7Their despatch to the valentine box was the next thing to trouble him.
8He showed the despatch to Mr. Heathcote, and the committeeman was sincerely glad.
9M. Derame in his turn showed his despatch to M. Chamblard.
10You will read and give a copy of this despatch to Count Cavour.
11Second despatch to Raoul: Have spoken to D. He is telegraphing to Mme.
12He told me that after my despatch to the citadel, Capt.
13I have just seen your despatch to Halleck about Major-General Blunt.
14You will not fall to communicate this despatch to Rifaat Pasha.
15He sends a cable despatch to Paris to his agent, briefly:
16But first I must despatch to Worcester, a packet of importance.
Aquesta col·locació està formada per:
Despatch to per variant geogràfica