Very despiteful are they against us, and purpose to work us bitter mischief.
The young scoundrel has a puissant sword and despiteful ire.'
It was a habit of mind-theonly revenge that I could take upon despiteful Fate.
Hatred breeds hatred again, and things despiteful are done to those who despitefully use you.
We suffer not only the insults of a single nation, but despiteful use by all idolaters.
Were His enemies never so many, and never so despiteful against Him, yet He sall rule in the midst of them.
Thus far I had choked down my swelling rage at her faithlessness, her vanity, her despiteful entreatment of my master's plight.
Canst thou forget to take revenge of those wild people who have defaced my monument in a despiteful manner, disdaining our antiquities and honorable customs?