Encara no tenim significats per a "dishonorable peace".
1He preferred an honorable death to a dishonorable peace.
2Let compromise, submission, and every form of dishonorable peace be not so much as named among us.
3His position as a candidate on a platform of dishonorable peace would have been no less desperate than ridiculous.
4For the sake of dishonorable peace they leave these native states to misgovern themselves and stink to high heaven!
5Even the cool-headed and wise Sir John Barnard cried out that "a dishonorable peace is worse than a destructive war."
6What if I should prefer to resume hostilities and die honorably on the ruins of my empire rather than purchase a dishonorable peace?
7As for Orange, he was sincerely in favor of peace-butnot a dishonorable peace, in which should be renounced all the objects of the war.
8"Ah, yes," replied the Emperor, with a kind of subdued violence, "they will have peace; they will realize what a dishonorable peace is!"
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