1Both regions demonstrate similar relative DNase I sensitivities within a given tissue.
2Using DNase-seq data improved predictions of tissue-specific expression compared with motifs alone.
3The DNA nature of these filaments was determined by digestion with DNase.
4DNase activity in the original seminal plasma was abolished after HFF co-incubation.
5Nuclear GAPDH is tightly bound, resisting extraction by DNase or salt treatment.
6Majority of cells showed DNA fragmentation specific to caspase-3-activated DNase I.
7We then mined DNase-seq data to identify putative active CRMs and TF footprints.
8Addition of HFF to seminal plasma appeared to inhibit DNase activity.
9Precise binding regions were investigated by DNAse I protection studies.
10In situ oligo ligation technique was used to identify specific DNase I-type DNA cleavage.
11DNase digestion and fragment size determination studies were used to characterize the DNA detected.
12Gel shift and DNase I analyses demonstrated that IclR binds to its own promoter.
13We have recently described a protocol to generate a genome-wide library of DNase HS sites.
14DNA-melting and DNase I footprinting experiments were also performed.
15Results: In the present study, we investigated the expression of the homologous DNase in P. knowlesi.
16Results of DNase I footprinting provide strong support for bent recognition helices in leucine zipper protein-DNA complexes.