Encara no tenim significats per a "do homage".
1Tupac Inca ordered them all to do homage, adore, and offer sacrifices.
2All America-allEurope should do homage to her sinister, but compelling charm.
3Now do homage to Truth, as she to the Genius of Silence!
4They learn of him and do homage to him at once.
5As for the Empress, it was not customary to do homage to her.
6His desperation and overriding of all convention do homage to her.
7And you do homage to her memory by forgetting her language.
8For certain reasons you will next go and do homage at this well.
9None of them felt inclined to do homage to departed royalty.
10Soon after this Diego bade his son do homage at King Ferdinand's court.
11Therefore allow me to do homage to my queen as my heart prompts!
12All the servants were drawn up in the hall to do homage to me.
13Friends and foes alike combined to do homage to Mr. Darwin in this respect.
14No conscious anti-Semite can do homage to Christ, the Jew.
15That is to say they scorn to do homage to me and my husband!
16He came to do homage to the King and to offer excuse for the townsfolk.
Aquesta col·locació està formada per:
Do homage a través del temps
Do homage per variant geogràfica