Encara no tenim significats per a "dulcimer".
1And all the time the music of the dulcimer sounded among the ruins.
2There was a dulcimer lying in the dust on the floor.
3Little Prince Ivan sat down and played tunes on the dulcimer-sadenough tunes.
4The dullness of the dulcimer will make me mild and discreet and dispassionate!
5There is an admired dulcimer, a favourite salt-box, and a really curious jew's-harp.
6And all the time he played cunningly on the dulcimer.
7A dulcimer player gains his elastic blow by the free movement of the wrist.
8And still Sadko sat, and played his dulcimer and sang.
9Sadko sat on the shore, on a rock, and played his dulcimer and sang.
10The sound of cornet, flute, harp, sackbut, psaltery, dulcimer, and all kinds of musick.
11She heard the music of the dulcimer, so she made sure he was still there.
12Afterward, we sang many fine songs, accompanied by both dulcimer and Mr. Bondurant's Jew's harp.
13Where is Brother Thistlethwaite, whose voice is as the cymbal, the tabor, and the dulcimer?'
14All that is here in the house I give you; my dulcimer alone will I keep.
15A troupe of mummers tumbled in, a bear performed tricks, a Little Russian dulcimer-player sang songs.
16And Sadko played on his dulcimer and sang.
Dulcimer a través del temps