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1Recurrent strokes and alternating hemiplegia necessitated a right dural inversion 6 months later.
2All of the 5 cases had dural or petrous bone infiltration.
3Preoperative MR imaging infrequently detects dural invasion, including cavernous sinus invasion.
4Complications included two intraoperative dural tears that were identified and repaired.
5Tumor projection was verified after dural opening, and surgical resection was continued thereafter.
6Methods: We used literature searches to identify previously reported cases of primary dural MZL.
7We could feel the metallic needle under the dural sheath of the trigeminal nerve.
8Because of its bioabsorbability, chronic foreign body reactions to this synthetic dural substitute were negligible.
9Distension of dural sinuses in man produces migraine-like pain.
10Bony exposure can be optimized before dural incision.
11All patients underwent postoperative MRI which showed excellent decompression of cord and dural sac in all cases.
12Conclusion: Quantitative assessment of sagittal dural sac diameters is comparable between lumbar myelography and positional MR imaging.
13Conclusions: On MR a surplus of pial vessels suggests a dural arteriovenous malformation with cortical venous drainage.
14The data imply that the VR1 receptor plays only a minor role in trigeminovascular-induced dural vessel dilation.
15An emergent left-sided dural inversion was performed.
16The patient was admitted due to traumatic sub dural hemorrhage and during the hospital course he developed fever.
Dural per variant geogràfica