A feeling of not being able to breathe well enough.
1The voice was still weak and husky, but there was no dysphagia or dyspnœa.
2General anasarca, ascites, and dyspnœa, of seven months duration.
3This dyspnœa and these sweats recurred at intervals, and after some weeks he ceased to exist.
4Complained of frequent nausea, and of sudden profuse sweatings, which seemed for a short time to relieve the dyspnœa.
5Ascites, with cough and dyspnœa.
6When he arrived at the Base, fifteen days after the original injury, there was much dyspnœa; the temperature was 102°, and the pulse 110.
7During her second day of plasma exchange, she developed dyspnoea and rigors.
8The patient's strength has improved remarkably and her dyspnoea is subjectively improved.
9It is unlikely to contribute to the exertional dyspnoea seen in these patients.
10After lung surgery, some patients complain of unexplained increased dyspnoea associated with hypoxaemia.
11Dyspnoea, length of stay and mortality were similar between both populations.
12B44-positive subjects were older at diagnosis and had less dyspnoea than other subjects.
13GPs felt most comfortable treating pain, and least confident with dyspnoea and depression.
14The second case involved a 64-year-old woman with Raynaud's phenomenon and dyspnoea on exertion.
15The first case involved a 54-year-old woman with Raynaud's phenomenon and dyspnoea on exertion.
16The patient presented a dyspnoea and finally a cardiac arrest.