Shelter for humans or domesticated animals and livestock based on a hole or depression dug into the ground.
Examples for "dugout"
Examples for "dugout"
1Nesis had been carried back in one dugout, Ambrose in the other.
2I went with him and found the dugout, which was very good.
3Three trips up and down the hill conveyed it to the dugout.
4The sergeant and I rushed into the ruins of our machine-gun dugout.
5With a wild yell it burst the door of the dugout open.
1"At a moment of such gravity, she only thinks of her being dull by herself, alone here in the pit-house without me or Tatiana."
1With Fayaz in the lead, they began running toward the mud hut.
2Back at the mud hut, Schapelle is summoned to an interrogation room.
3Five meters outside the mud hut, the carnage was instantly evident.
4The sunlight fell beautifully on a long mud hut with a grass roof.
5When we stopped, it was before the door of a little mud hut.
1The ceremony generally took place in a circular dwelling known as an " earth lodge."
2Dead bodies in rough boxes lie on the ground on a knoll not far from our house, and near by is an old-style earth lodge.
3People know that the buffaloes live in earth lodges; so they never dance the buffalo dance vainly.
4They saw the earth lodges as of old, thickly clustered along the flats of the Missouri, among their rustling maize-fields.
5The sides of this funnel were rugged rock, and in the banks of earth lodged here and there upon projections, a scrubby vegetation grew.
Translations for earth lodge