Demand for child labour is high across Asia, the world's fastest growing economicregion.
That is something the United States has urged as a means to bolster overall growth throughout the world's second largest economicregion.
Dedicated to peace, prosperity and co-operation, Asean members have a population of 625 million people and collectively represent the world's sixth largest economicregion.
In what is termed politics, democratic social organization makes provision for this direct participation in control: in the economicregion, control remains external and autocratic.
Tourism is "275 per cent" more important to the west coast economy than to the Dublin economicregion, according to a study published today.
Announced in October and known as the East Coast EconomicRegion, it includes 227 projects over the next 12 years.
These economicregions appear to be going with the grain of what is already happening in Britain's cities, with Manchester's combined authority leading the way.