Push one's way into (a space)
1The system is beginning to edge in the right direction, Kyte said.
2Recent polls have shown Biden with a slight edge in the state.
3Even today, there's an undeniable rock n' roll edge in David's images.
4Was it possible I'd lost my edge in less than two weeks?
5Note the varied quantity of the edge in white mass of tunic.
6In these cases, university graduates barely get an edge in employment rates.
7Buczkowski sees Uber Freight's edge in its worldwide reach and proven technology.
8Alabama had a big edge in early field position and took advantage.
9I spoke vehemently, without allowing him to edge in a single word.
10Wisdom literature acquired a polemic edge in Alexandria in about 50 BCE.
11Did Morgan detect a less-than-pleased edge in her response to the compliment?
12There was an edge in his voice that might have been regret.
13That helped give Lowry the edge in his personal duel with Wade.
14The U.S. Defense Department also fears losing America's technological edge in warfare.
15He flexes, digging the sharp edge in harder, relishing the small sting.
16To crawl along by the slippery edge in the darkness and solitude!
Aquesta col·locació està formada per:
Edge in a través del temps
Edge in per variant geogràfica