Encara no tenim significats per a "effortless grace".
1Harper thought she had never seen anything glide along with such effortless grace.
2Onstage they fuse camp with classical reverence and physical machismo with effortless grace.
3The effortless grace of such large birds had always fascinated Peppi.
4She walked with an effortless grace over to the building entrance.
5Ben moved down the corridor with the effortless grace of a flaring Viral.
6And yet, Patchett's novel rises to the occasion with what appears to be effortless grace.
7When she had disappeared inside the house, moving with an effortless grace, Lee looked across at me.
8Without speaking, Chance turned and strode down the hall, moving with the effortless grace of a jungle cat.
9Its glorious soul tones, dozen great songs and wash of peerless, effortless grace casts a spell every time.
10The effortless grace of her movements.
11Brasil ignored it, grabbed at the skirt rail and levered himself up onto the deck above with effortless grace.
12She walked with her head thrown back, with all the effortless grace of youth-a light heart, an easy conscience.
13A band who always seem to be trying too hard, but who always seem to do it with effortless grace.
14Black and straight as an ebon keel, it cut through the swells with effortless grace, a torpedoing, half-defined shadow beneath it.
15She nails the dramatic and comedic aspects of the role with the sort of effortless grace that comes from decades of experience.
16The youth touched a lever and the machine glided down towards the valley, falling all the while with the effortless grace a parachute.
Aquesta col·locació està formada per:
Effortless grace a través del temps
Effortless grace per variant geogràfica