Encara no tenim significats per a "egging on".
1Ten other dogs erupt, like schoolboys egging on a punch-up.
2China accuses Western countries of egging on the protests.
3Markets recovered on Friday and Monday when further egging on by either side did not ensue.
4Why did you not say so then, instead of egging on a poor ignorant old man?
5Nor are the Sun and the Daily Mail usually to be found egging on a real insurrection.
6Stretch Hayes was laughing and egging on Chester, whom he'd dared to backflip off the gym roof.
7They knew better, but could not help egging on the wild theories with wilder theories of their own.
8What tickled their fancy most was Ali Baba's cleverness in egging on Ayisha to advertise Grim as Ali Higg.
9In the epic snaps, Ms Ardern can be seen egging on the crowd as she spins away on a professional mixer.
10Chris Dudley was the one who went in, under the egging on of Brett Kavanaugh, and they thought it was funny.
11Their English blood was up in a moment two masked figures and hearing them egging on their bravoes with 'Hola, there!
12Over four days, a quarter of a million people swept into the Cheltenham racetrack, drinking, betting and egging on the gee gees.
13The man at the mic, who is gesturing for police to remove those who offend him and egging on his seething supporters.
14It's not just one of George's kin egging on this "you Blacks are always so racial about racism" mantra, though.
15The video shows several men participating in the beating, while others, including women, stand by and watch while egging on the attackers.
16And no, it's not the current Three Lions manager being sent off, but a lookalike doing his bit of egging on amongst the crowd.
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