Less than a fortnight after the electoraldrubbing that erased her slim majority, May struck a conciliatory tone.
Fianna Fáil's first ardfheis since its electoraldrubbing last year will see the leadership try to steer though far-reaching organisational and policy changes.
The Taoiseach, Mr Ahern, will take heart, however, from the poll indications that the electoraldrubbing feared last year may now be avoided.
Extremist Politics: The recent electoraldrubbing of Austria's best-known fascist, Jorg Haider, may be the death knell of his particularly obnoxious form of extremism.
Oakeshott regarded the forthcoming electoraldrubbing as the last chance to remove Clegg, whom he had long seen as a political disaster for the party.
But Wentworth is now one of the seats Prime Minister John Howard's conservative government is battling to retain to stave off a predicted electoraldrubbing.