Exon 7-encoded electronegative residues make additional interactions with the L1 loop of Nrp1.
If zinc has an affinity for oxygen, it must be because the zinc is either electropositive or electronegative to oxygen.
This may be due to a reduction in hydrogen-bonding between the Schiff base proton and an electronegative counterion in halorhodopsin.
The disiloxane ring unexpectedly enables the diaxial conformer of the cation to be stabilized by an electronegative atom at C-3.
If it has a greater affinity for oxygen than copper has, then the zinc must be either electropositive or electronegative to copper.
On the other hand, the bias and extraction electric fields penetrate in a Cs-seeded electronegative plasma even when the electron density is similar.
Models of Cav1.2 with different PAAs suggest similar binding modes and direct contacts of the ligands electronegative atoms with the calcium ion in Site 3.
Structural analysis revealed that 3 of these 6 putative dominant negative missense variants localized to an electronegative pocket considered critical for back-to-back binding of dimers.