We were thankful when the order came for us to embarkonce more for the spot where we hoped to meet the enemy.
But the waning day compelled us to embarkonce more, and redeem this wasted time with long and vigorous sweeps over the rippling stream.
And now, having studied its negative qualities, I may assemble its positive characteristics before we embarkonce more upon the troubled seas of definition.
The irrepressible Claude had no sooner weighed the anchor of responsibility than he set sail for New York to embarkonce more on dramatic waters.
To venture too far on this side was to be grounded or at least to be sent back to embarkonce more on the trial.
As soon as they were fairly embarkedonce more, the Sun ceased to shine.
On the 14th June they launched the boats, and "trusting themselves to God," embarkedonce more upon the arctic sea.
But nothing ever discouraged her, and she returned at the end of April and embarkedonce more, and for the last time, on building operations.
Thus having made a six months residence on Mozambique, they embarkedonce more on the 15th of March, and in the year 1542.