Electronic payment method.
An enhanced motion vehicle, or EMV, is a ride vehicle developed by Walt Disney Imagineering, a component of The Walt Disney Company, for use in amusement park rides located at Disney's theme parks.
Veure'n més 1 With the shift to EMV cards, hackers will simply shift their focus.
2 The EMV touched down on the landing pad atop Castel Sant' Angelo.
3 I'm sending down five more dropships, combat EMVs , and a thopter gunship.
4 Sol said nothing but carried the last of the luggage to the EMV .
5 A constant line of EMVs spiraled down from a farcaster portal far above.
6 Or we could take an EMV and travel in air-conditioned comfort.
7 EMVs were by far the safest form of personal transportation mankind had ever designed.
8 EMVs don't work worth shit here, of course, so they've brought in thrust-reaction planes.
9 The basic, failsafe design of an EMV 's collision-avoidance equipment had not changed in centuries.
10 Rain streaked the Perspex canopy of the old EMV and ran in complex rivulets.
11 You can see where this is headed by looking at one of EMV 's early adopters.
12 The Grand Inquisitor sat back in the EMV 's cushions and allowed himself a brief smile.
13 I took the EMV off auto and dropped lower.
14 You're right that standard EMVs aren't reliable here.
15 I made it to the EMV before the first of the mob came through the doorway.
16 A flight of military EMVs and security skimmers came in low over the city, searchlights stabbing downward.
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