Encara no tenim significats per a "english baronet".
1The English baronet yielded one other, a huge, heavy, old-fashioned weapon.
2As to Julia and Georgiana G-- ,daughtersof an English baronet, as to Mdlle.
3I gather that your personation of this English baronet has been successfully carried through?
4This is the story of an English baronet.
5I learned that you were an English baronet.
6An English baronet, and a young man of whom less is known than one could wish.
7The English baronet imposed her upon the St. Cecilia, and the Judge was the first to betray her.
8She instinctively recognised their antagonism and was afraid Betty would do something an English baronet would think vulgar.
9My father was an English baronet, succeeding to the title and estates by the death of an elder brother.
10An English baronet was once, on his passage round, robbed of his watch, and stripped either almost, or entirely naked.
11"What could have induced him to come up among these mountains-anEnglish baronet!"
12"That our friend here is Sir William Heath, of Heathdale, and an English baronet."
13She married an English baronet's younger son out of Norfolk to please her parents, whom she was always bound to obey.
14I had likewise occasion to become acquainted at the Venetian Embassy with a lady from Venice, the widow of an English baronet named Wynne.
15If you had been like your friends-theEnglish baronet and the last two, who are even more amusing-perhapsit would not have been necessary.
16"Mamma asked Maida yesterday whether it was better to be an Austrian prince, or an English baronet?"
Aquesta col·locació està formada per:
English baronet a través del temps
English baronet per variant geogràfica