The MPL-50 (Russian: МПЛ-50, малая пехотная лопата-50, malaya pekhotnaya lopata-50, small infantry spade-50) is a small spade (50 cm (20 in) length) invented by Danish officer Mads Johan Buch Linnemann in 1869.
Veure'n més
A hand shovel carried by infantrymen for digging trenches.
1 In the rear was my entrenching tool , carried in a canvas case.
2 There is our entrenching tool which we use for digging in.
3 I saw Lee rush out and kill three men with an entrenching tool .
4 They watched him walk to the edge of the camp with a small entrenching tool .
5 They hung their shirts over a hedge and beat them with their entrenching tool handles.
6 His canteen had gone, his bayonet blade had gone, as had the blade of his entrenching tool .
7 Then she pulled out her pistol with one hand and reached for her entrenching tool with the other.
8 The entrenching tool with which "Uncle Matthew had whacked to death eight Germans." hangs on the wall.
9 He had left his rifle and his entrenching tool at the hole he had been digging down the slope.
10 Get your entrenching tool .
11 Each man had to scrape with his entrenching tool as big a hole as he could before the enemy came upon him.
12 I called for Smith, my servant, and telling him to bring his entrenching tool , I began to prize up some of the tiles.
13 A proportion of heavy entrenching tools , signalling and medical gear will be carried by hand.
14 The ground to the right was covered with ammunition boxes, tent halves, entrenching tools , and one M-60 machine gun.
15 So we got out the entrenching tools and dug into the side of the best part of the shallow traverse.
Gramàtica, pronunciació i més
Translations for entrenching tool