A small endocrine gland in the brain; situated beneath the back part of the corpus callosum; secretes melatonin.
Examples for "epiphysis"
Examples for "epiphysis"
1Chondroblastoma is a rare benign bone tumor typically located in the epiphysis.
2Marginal excision was then performed with preservation of the proximal tibial epiphysis.
3Sometimes the separated and displaced epiphysis dies and constitutes a sequestrum.
4The last epiphysis to fuse is that of the medial clavicle or collarbone.
5The cartilaginous epiphysis had a lower signal intensity than the physis on T2-weighted images.
1Developmentally, the pineal gland is considered as a part of the epithalamus.
2The mind has no observable natural relation to the pineal gland.
3The pineal gland has some definite relation to muscle chemistry not yet probed.
4I felt it in my brain stem, my cortex, my goddamn pineal gland.
5A low-grade astrocytoma confined to the pineal gland is reported.
1As living information, the plasmate travels up the optic nerve of a human to the pineal body.
2The Pineal Body (Epiphysis)- astillsmaller structure, located within the brain substance, having, however, no relationship to the brain.
Translations for epiphysis cerebri