Anti-CCP antibodies were also associated with erosivedisease in RF-negative RA patients.
In subgroup analysis, anti-CCP antibodies in RF-negative patients were also associated with erosivedisease.
This may be severe and associated with erosivedisease.
Background: Alcoholic gastritis, a superficial erosivedisease of the stomach, is a common manifestation of risky alcohol use.
They appear years before onset of clinical disease and are associated with worse prognosis and a more erosivedisease.
They may have a particular value in predicting the progression of erosivedisease in patients who are not erosive at presentation.
Although there was an association between HA and radiographic score in erosivedisease, after adjustment for confounders it remained no longer significant.
RA patients with anti-CCP antibodies had significantly higher disease activity, greater loss of function and more frequent erosivedisease than anti-CCP antibody-negative group.
These changes favor bone loss and correlated with a higher prevalence of erosivedisease in patients with RA who show impaired ATM function.