Electrical potential in the nervous system.
Wireless system to automatically collect the usage fee or toll charged to vehicles.
1The dose and duration of metformin had no association with the ERPs.
2The cortical organization of executive control was investigated using event-related potentials (ERPs).
3The ERPs showed evidence of enhanced perceptual-level processing for all targets at attended locations.
4ERPs have been advocated as objective tests of cognitive function.
5Response-locked ERPs were separately averaged for correct and error trials.
6Auditory ERPs showed evidence of two distinct temporal expectancy processes.
7Using the MAP recording technique, atrial ERPs can be assessed by measurement of APDs.
8However, blinks elicited late ERPs that, although robust, were significantly smaller relative to gaze conditions.
9ERPs were measured at the high and low right atrium, proximal, and distal coronary sinus.
10A three-phase inattentional blindness paradigm was combined with ERPs.
11However, it is unclear whether EEG and ERPs are influenced by common or independent genetic factors.
12Linear regression was used to predict Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) scores from ERPs.
13Conclusions: Our results indicate a sensitivity of occipital ERPs to addiction-related stimuli when these act as non-targets.
14Furthermore, ERPs to addiction-related stimuli may be useful as a predictor of abstinence success in recently detoxified patients.
15A comparison between the information measures and ERPs revealed a reliable correlation between N400 amplitude and word surprisal.
16ERPs were not related to the time from coma onset and not different in MCS and in PVS.