Encara no tenim significats per a "erroneous ideas".
1We of the court have very erroneous ideas as to Virginia.
2And these vehement orators, with their often erroneous ideas-willthey do no harm?
3The moment we comprehend the truth, all erroneous ideas are of necessity cast aside.
4Many of the text-books in use in the schools were framed upon similar erroneous ideas.
5The slightest reflection, however, would have been sufficient to undeceive him on these erroneous ideas.
6Cardinal Ruffo, too, seems to have entertained what they considered as erroneous ideas of lenity.
7But she has erroneous ideas concerning the American flag and the protection it is supposed to symbolize.
8This applies peculiarly to the phenomena of the Trade-winds, respecting which many erroneous ideas are generally entertained.
9The question of partition is one upon which, it appears to me, very erroneous ideas are in circulation.
10Ans Handerson and Bidwell laboured to clear away his erroneous ideas concerning fractions, but their labour was vain.
11What erroneous ideas have our novelists, and for the matter of that even our physiologists, about the decaying races.
12Very erroneous ideas are formed in Europe of the intolerance, and even of the religious fervour of the Spanish colonists.
13These floes, contrary to wide-spread and erroneous ideas, are not formed by direct freezing of the water of the Arctic Ocean.
14From these erroneous ideas arise delusive thoughts that lead to the production of Karma; hence the round-of rebirth to time without end.
15They have inherited their erroneous ideas from the wild beasts who preceded them, and at the present time few of them know any better.
16M. de Lauzun.-HisPretensions.-ErroneousIdeas of the Public.-The War in Candia.-M.
Aquesta col·locació està formada per:
Erroneous ideas a través del temps
Erroneous ideas per variant geogràfica