Oh, to prolong this blissful moment, to sleep, to eternalize oneself in it!
Some thoughts and feelings, then, eternalize themselves in human speech; most thoughts and feelings do not.
The peripatetic philosophy, obeying rationalist propensities, has tried to eternalize the common-sense categories by treating them very technically and articulately.
Association, fixed and eternalized by the structure of the language, is the tyranny that keeps down the live idea.
The essence of the divine is Love, Will that personalizes and eternalizes, that feels the hunger for eternity and infinity.
The war-cries of the two opponents, however, became eternalized as factional names in the struggle of Frederick's successors against other foes.
Or perhaps thus: Act as if you were to die to-morrow, but to die in order to survive and be eternalized.
"Vanity" is death indeed; eternalized, it is Hell.
It opposed Darwin, and it did right, for Darwinism tends to shatter our belief that man is an exceptional animal, created expressly to be eternalized.