Encara no tenim significats per a "evaluate the efficacy".
1Aim: To evaluate the efficacy of PS in the treatment of RBES.
2Further long-term study would need to evaluate the efficacy of impregnated sirolimus.
3Urethrography and histology were used to evaluate the efficacy of urethral implantation.
4Aim: To evaluate the efficacy of prolonged PUFA supplementation in patients with NAFLD.
5A prospective study to evaluate the efficacy of the follow-up pathways is ongoing.
6New evaluation criteria have been proposed to evaluate the efficacy of this new therapy.
7Objectives: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of anticonvulsants for individuals with cocaine dependence.
8Purpose: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of laparoscopic nephrectomy.
9Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of Infrared Coagulation Therapy (IRC) for hemorrhoids.
10A large experience served to evaluate the efficacy of surgery followed by adjuvant chemo-radiotherapy.
11Objectives: To evaluate the efficacy and harms of anti-EGFR therapies for glioblastoma in adults.
12Objectives: To evaluate the efficacy of antibiotic therapy in moderate exacerbations of mild-to-moderate COPD.
13We aimed to evaluate the efficacy of re-irradiation to determine optimal treatment of LRRC.
14Aim: To evaluate the efficacy of different radiotherapy treatment modalities in radioresistant brain metastasis.
15Key points: -MRI performed 25 days after cryoablation is useful to evaluate the efficacy.
16Further phase III studies are necessary to better evaluate the efficacy of the different regimens.
Aquesta col·locació està formada per:
Evaluate the efficacy a través del temps
Evaluate the efficacy per variant geogràfica