Encara no tenim significats per a "evidently great".
1He has evidently great power in this part of the island.
2Strength poor in the arms even when there was evidently great effort made.
3There was evidently great daring of soul in this man.
4There is evidently great congeniality between them, even in their respective touches of eccentricity.'
5And the mechanical effort gave him evidently great pleasure.
6But evidently great-great-great-grandfather did not like the idea.
7When Jock left them the relief of pouring out the whole history to the mother was evidently great.
8Her distress was evidently great.
9In spite of the evidently great effort which he was making to retain his self-control his features were contorted by an anguished spasm.
10Bonaparte, carelessly leaning into the corner, muttered, with a stealthy smile: It was a coup de theatre, and it had evidently great success.
11Since that time evidently great reinforcements have come in, and now we have a most formidable force of artillery to turn on them.
12The good to be obtained ought to be evidently greater than the evil to be endured.'
13Evidently great things were in operation above.
14Smith glanced down and saw the fireman facing Barracombe, his annoyance being evidently greater than his curiosity.
15However, my sleepiness was evidently greater than my fears on this point, and I dropped off, leaving the question to decide itself.
Aquesta col·locació està formada per:
Evidently great a través del temps
Evidently great per variant geogràfica